
By thereisalight

Goodbye brownies

These were the brownies for reception staff. We also made two other trays full of the triple chocolate brownie treats. Just about everyone in A&E had a piece and the feedback was very complimentary.

It's hard to believe my time in A&E has now officially come to and end. 4 months have disappeared. Night has merged into day and weekends into weekdays. It's been a disorientating few months. Holding onto life in the outside world has been really important, otherwise A&E just consumes you.

I've assessed over 600 patients during my time here. I'm familiar with the local regular attendees and all of the local police force. I've worked alongside a huge team of dedicated doctors, nurses, HCAs, radiographers, secretaries, porters and more. From newborns to the very frail elderly, those with cuts and grazes to those patients who are very suddenly at the end of their lives. The patient who presents with a benign symptom who is given a life changing diagnosis and the many others whose symptoms require reassurance alone. No two days have ever been even remotely the same and never once was I bored. The shift was always unpredictable.

I have learned so much here and I would recommend all trainees never to pass up on the opportunity to experience the ED.

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