
I woke early due to the warm weather, so I took the boys for a morning walk in the beautiful Fuchsia Garden. It was a very nice start to the day.
It looks more impressive in large though...

Lots of meetings at work - but a good day.

Then out for another walk and a stop at the vets on the way home to discuss Hero's situation. All should be ok as the Anaplasmosis was caught so early. We can train and play as much as we like. Great news.

Oh and the penicillin that he is getting is costing me 2000 Danish Kroner = £215 = €270 = $350!!!! Wooohoooo!!!! But he is worth it ;-)
6 tablets a day in 28 days and two hours after the first 6 tablets, he needs 2 different tablets. It is a bit complicated, but as long as it works :-)

I am planning a restful evening with a good book. I like the thought of that ;-)

Two people enjoying the sun.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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