
By CanonEyes

Late, but welcome, visitors.

My Crinum lilies have just arrived, soon to be followed by the extended family. What fun!
My old neighbours (who possessed more imagination than knowledge) told us that they were African orchids. They had colourful names for all the plants in our garden, all of which have proved to be completely wrong. Anyway, we happily called them African orchids for many years until my sister's friend Kate put me right.
They are a very big flower (that fence is three and a half foot high) and produce hundreds of blooms in August every year. A very welcome addition to the garden. I'm intrigued to see how they do in this very good growing season.
It's been a bad week for things computer related. Our broadband has been down all day, as was the telly. Some kind of line fault. It just came back on at about 6.00pm. I hadn't quite caught up with all of you and now I'm even further behind. Plus, I'm going gigging shortly. I might burn the midnight oil tonight with a beer for company and drop in on your blips.

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