Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

At least..

he is wearing his hat. To be fare, he had just finished putting another 9 tiles on the wall, and he had been wearing his T shirt. He was waiting for me to come home from the gym to help put the batten on the wall ready for the next 9. Because the wall is so uneven, if we put the batten on level, then he tiles up from there, also now that I have sorted the tiles out for him and put a large T on the top right hand corner, that has made things easier.

Roy hadn't realised that there was a pattern to the tiles and he had been putting them on in a random way, then complaining that the lines did not match up. It was only when I had a closer look I realised that in fact there was a subtle pattern on them, hence the large T, although he has managed to still put a couple on the wrong way!!! But I am not going to complain.

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