
By sas05


should let me pic speak for itself...or perhaps should i break into spontaneous monologue .... arrh whatever...that was day one of my hols proper ,,cant count yesterday after finishing at 6 am and spending the rest of the day in a purple haze (nice nod to jimi in there) ... expectations fo the next couple of weeks are high.. very high ... should be skipping through fields of gold (sting) ... but im kerr knackered ...weary from work.. weary from pressures...resurrecting ghosts of old in the form of "weve been here before" with others.. battle lines are drawn ,, positions are taken.. and quite frankly aint got no more time for this politics no more...understand or dont...weve clambered behind our shield of steel and will emerge when the coast is clear.. in the meantime.. team warner had a brill day down at the docks...

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