That's the way to do it!

I went for a walk along the beach at lunch time today and on my way back I spotted the Punch & Judy show - it was great to see all the children sat watching it and it brought back memories from when I was a child.

Apparently the Brighton Punch & Judy are the original ones, stemming back to the 1930's and three generations of the same family. It's typical English seaside entertainment and for those of you who aren't from the UK and have never heard of Punch & Judy, you can read about them here.

Lorraine and Emily met me from work tonight and we went to Prezzo's at the marina for dinner as it's their last night here. Lorraine lost her grandad earlier this year and today would have been his 94th birthday, so we had a bottle of champagne to raise a glass to Roy as he always had champagne on his birthday. It's been lovely and sunny so we sat outside, but it was a bit windy and the menu blew in the wind knocking Lorraine's glass all over me! Maybe it was Roy having a laugh with us :-)

Anyway, we're home now and Alan's on his way back from the airport after his trip to Brussels, so I'll say goodnight x

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