First time at the beach

Tonight was Milou and Bobbie's first walk to the beach and they took it in their stride. As we were walking through the park there was a group of about 5 or 6 children who came over to see them and they were all fussing them and a couple of little girls held them - they're great with everyone and really enjoy the attention, and after nearly a week with Emily, they're certainly used to children.

Anyway, we finally got to the beach where we passed a few other dogs - they seemed interested, but again didn't react to them which was good, although Bobbie did start yapping and we're not sure if it was at another dog, or whether he was just a bit nervous.

We took them on the beach where there were so many new smells. They were a little jumpy about the sea and backed away when it came towards them, so it was really difficult to get a great photo, but Alan managed to get this one.

We also took them to the pub and sat in the garden at the back and they were very good, but as we were walking home they didn't like the cars that passed us. So now we need to get them used to being out in town, and I'm sure they'll soon get used to it.

They certainly walk fast and we thought they'd be nice and calm when we got them home, but they wanted to play and unfortunately Milou let himself down as he wee'd on the rug!

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