Another sunset

A routine day after yesterday's adventures. A blipless day.

Suddenly spotted a potential good sunset. Dashed out to the corner I've now named "sunset corner" as it is about the only place I can see it from. I could tell it was probably going to be a really good one, with a fireball of a sun behind the trees, but as I approached I had a van heavily on my tail and I couldn't pull in to let it pass. I had to go on past. By the time I had turned round and returned to my spot, a matter of minutes, the sun had gone completely and the colour had drained slightly. Didn't the van driver know I had a blip to catch?!

Round the corner I took this but wasn't happy with it. Came home to try something else but have just spent ages trying to find the plate for my tripod. Still haven't found it and I've got very frustrated. Decided to post this after tweaking the levels and boosting the saturation slightly. Time for bed I think.

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