
By Cygnus

Who's been eating my mushroom?

Greetings blipchums!

I had such fun this afternoon dragging a picnic blanket around the garden and lying on it to get a bug's-eye-view of things. I got so comfy at one point that I could quite easily have had a wee doze.

This was after the morning I spent in school, where I suddenly had a horrible realisation about the huge amount of work I have to do/will have to do over the next few months. This is the penultimate week of the holidays for us in N Ireland and I thought I would go in to school to sort out a few things.


The mountain of stuff was suddenly overwhelming, so after writing a reference for a pupil, discovering exam papers that I'd forgotten I had already set, dumping a forest of paper in the recycling bin and leaving some other stuff surreptitiously on a colleague's desk (and running away) I thought that I should wise up and stick with the holiday mode. For another week.

Cue hysterical laughter .........

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