Norma Hubley (played by Diana Hoff)

As I was walking down the Royal Mile on my way back home, I stopped to take a picture of this lady and she gave me a flyer of her performance that would give me 2 for 1 tickets for this evening. I decided that if I found someone to go with, I would go. I phoned a friend of mine, she said she wanted to come along, so we went.

The show is called Plaza Suite, a comedy by Neil Simon, and it's composed of three acts. Absolutely brilliant performace. The acting was ace and I truly enjoyed it. I do really reccommend it, however it only runs till 9th August. So, if you want to see it, you'll have to hurry up!

Equally, I couldn't decide what picture to post today, so I left it until after the show. I decided that if I enjoyed the show I would post this one, and this is why this has been my final decision.

I didn't take my camera to the show, but I'm glad I didn't because that would have distracted me from the actual performance.

Back to work tomorrow, but off at the weekend!!!!! :) Can't wait!!!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments recently and sorry I haven't commented much, but I've been busy. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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