She's a bright girl, she's got a law degree

I nipped in to the National Portait Gallery to have another look at the excellent John Byrne exhibition. No photos allowed, and I wasn't feeling sneaky, so this is a view of the gallery's library.

The gallery has recently added portraits of distinguished modern women to its permanent collection of queens and princesses of olden days. One such is Helena Kennedy, a leading lawyer and member of the House of Lords. All very laudable, but I don't think this kitsch cartoon sculpture nestling in amongst more weighty busts does the formidable Baroness any favours.

"Hello, I've absolutely no idea how little old me got here, but I'll just wave nicely and smile at the passers by".

(Trivia notes - A guitar belonging to Gerry Rafferty and painted by John Byrne is in the current exhibition. I'm sure you feel the better for knowing that.)

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