Harvest time

I stopped the car on my way home from Drymen this morning to blip this field of golden bales. It's been a good summer for the farmers.

I had been to the village to deposit a couple of cheques in the bank. The soon-to-be-closed Royal Bank of Scotland. Although I've been thinking of switching banks ever since the Fred Goodwin scandal, procrastination and apprehension have stopped me doing so. I think the closure of my local branch may just spur me on. Feel free to offer any advice if you have experience of switching.

P has been in touch with more house-sitting dates for me: she is planning a short holiday to visit her sister in Canada, and she has accepted her next job, which will see her based down in Leeds for about ten weeks in the autumn, so I'll be back Pookie-and-Monty-sitting before I know it...

Have a great weekend, blippers! May ex-Hurricane Bertha give us all a wide berth. (See what I did there?)

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