New Cathedral Glass

A productive day : Surveyor did his thing for buyer. She & I went through the Law Societies tedious form about what I will leave/ take from the house /garden & readily agreed. I acknowledged how conflicted I am about my dining table : it really is too big for the flat & Amanda wants to buy it, but I can't, yet , let go.
I had conversations with a builder about decorating, the warden about all sorts of things.
Took a carload of stuff to Oxfam, then mooched around what will be my patch. It's right in the heart of ancient Norwich & I've always liked it. It's just a step to the river Yare & the Cathedral.
3 new stained glass windows have been installed in the North Isle by the University. I'm amazed how easy they are to photograph. How much light comes through them. This is my favourite one, I'm sure you'll get to see the rest.

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