Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Because the Dyson man goes to all kinds of homes to work on their faulty machines, he comes into contact with all sorts of people. Very often in the course of conversation they will discover a mutual interest. This has lead to him bringing home some interesting and welcome items.

I've lost count of how many jars of delicious home-made jam we have had, and home-made wine. Fresh free range eggs; fruit and veg; organic meat; all have been given to him as a 'Thank you' for work well done.

This spooky looking fly-catcher plant is one of several things people have donated, on hearing that his Missus is a keen gardener. Truth be told, I'm a bit scared of it!

He brought it home with the strict instructions that it should be planted with its roots in water, so I have sunk it into a pot with no drainage holes, filled with an inch of gravel and then topped up with compost. I've top-dressed it with some slate chippings both for decoration and to stop it drying out.

I hope it will make it through the winter, just not sure what kind of temperatures these things can take. Think I'll keep Rocky well away from it, just in case!

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