Today's Obsessions

I spent more hours than I want to admit on that today, focused on the women on my mother's side, and loving every minute!

Today's Photo
Can you see the legs of the little spider hiding on the middle plant? I was enchanted when I first saw it this morning. The spider had recently molted -- shed its exoskeleton (visible on the left-hand plant), necessary for growth -- and was hoping not to be noticed in its vulnerable state.

I photographed it then, and returned this afternoon to see how the spider was doing. It was in the same place, but now had some color and had begun to spin a web.

The spider was not the only subject that I photographed in my several jaunts around the backyard today with two cameras... it's amazing how many interesting things can be found in a limited space!

(That's an unusual background to find in a backyard -- any guesses?)

Ceridwen has a fascinating spider blip today -- don't miss it!

Blip 1003

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