
By stellarossa

The Wanderers Return (one way or another)

Twice I've done the return trip to Heathrow in the past week - to see Tom off on his first solo flight to Nuremberg via Hamburg and to pick him up from his return flight which went via Dusseldorf. He was very confident about his ability to manage the journey with just one momentary lapse when he texted "I can't find my gate! What should I do? Call me!!!!". He was very cool arriving alone and seemed just that bit older and more confident in the world.

His brother has been partying this summer and woke me up banging the front door at 4.45am! I'm having a steep learning curve on this mum of teenagers lark… not at all sure I'm doing it right, but if time spent worrying counts towards effort then I'm certainly putting my all into it!

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