Team Time

We have short term teams that come to Ibiza throughout the summer, for 2 weeks they help with the night work in San basically is helping people who are drunk or high and vulnerable - so it might be first aid, it might be getting someone back to their hotel room, it might be getting someone to hospital etc etc Basically ensuring that people are safe and ok. As part of their 2 weeks, they come to Ibiza Town and Sa Penya to pray and see what we're up today we had this team who are the team from our home church in Birmingham - such a treat! Wonderful to spend time with them... Then later took Cath off for a peaceful tea on the rocks, but got there and it was PACKED with people, music, food stalls... Today is a saint's day, so it was some sort of big fiesta! Still it was great fun and lovely to catch up with Cath...then at midnight we met up with the others and headed to the harbour for the most spectacular fireworks display - best I've ever seen I think...all because of today's saint's day. Lovely to finish the night off with a drink at my little street café, Can Miquelitus.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) living in such a vibrant city!
2) people being interested in what we're doing here and praying for us.
3) the wonderful gift of fireworks - totally free and utterly beautiful!

(Last photo against this wall - honest!)

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