Shapes and Shadows Saturday 02
The shapes and shadows of illness.
I think Igor would agree that I make a good nurse. On the other hand I'm sure he would be the first to tell you that I'm a lousy patient. He's the other way round. He's the perfect patient but his nursing skills are limited. The roles we've had to adopt this week have been alien to both of us. I've had to learn to be a much more patient patient and Igor has had to develop his nurturing instincts.
The pain in my ear has finally gone. I can't hear in it and it's still buzzing but it doesn't hurt. I can't explain how that feels but if you've ever had real earache you'll know. The doctor has made me an appointment for ear syringing next Friday so hopefully I'll regain my hearing and lose the buzzing then. To reach my current pain free state I've had more drugs ingested, dripped and sprayed into my body in less than a week than I've had over the last 25 years so I don't feel "well". I've decided to keep my current "patient" status for a while longer. I'm not planning to move much further than this sofa for at least another day or two.
This morning I got iced water to take my pills with instead of tap water and my breakfast was beautifully presented on a tray. I reckon another day or two and Igor's nursing training will be complete.
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