
By CanonEyes

Another world.

Now this is a really lazy blip, but there is a little story behind it.
When I retired early, about four years ago, due to the closure of the company that I managed through the bust, youngest son bought me a computer game for Christmas. I am not remotely interested in computer games but this one got to me. I quickly became hooked. It's called Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls. and is an open world game where you can do just about anything you want. Youngest son advised me to follow the plot line and said I would finish it in about four weeks. Not for me. I had to explore every inch of this vast world. For about a year it eased the experience of my unaccustomed enforced inactivity. I finally ran out of things to do and began looking around for new challenges, which is why I now have a camera, and how I met all you guys.
Today, (weather dull and threatening) and at a loose end, I dropped in to Skyrim to say hello to everyone.
This is a screenshot that mirrors the weather we are having.

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