Love and a Mustard Seed

By MySunAndStars

Day 8: Miles Apart, Together At Heart

The Universe never ceases to amaze me with its power to bring people together, at the right place at the right time. Today I met with one of my childhood best friends, who recently moved to Alameda from Atlanta. Many moons ago, we also lived in Alameda before my brother was born in Oakland. Another coincidence: we both live on a street with the same name!

Our visit was far too short, but not a moment was wasted as we reminisced about our days of yore. We mused how we still remember our old addresses and phone numbers, long before cell phones and e-mail. We were very fortunate to grow up with a close knit group of friends, who have become our second family. My dream has always been that we would live in the same neighborhood, sharing a court so our families and children could play together. Until then, we will always be together at heart, even though we are miles apart.

Meanwhile, I discovered a running club friend from back home was also nearby when he checked into a bar in the neighboring city (thanks, Facebook!). Without hesitation, I hopped in the car for a short drive to meetup for drinks. Downtown Oakland has so much charm and character with its sophisticated bars and restaurants. No wonder it has been named one of the nation's top travel destinations and coolest cities in America.

The final leg on my continental US tour ends in Seattle, where I will embark on a whole new adventure. Alaska, here we come!

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