Clark Tales

By cclark

Peckham ...This is Peckham? !

My mother grew up in Peckham, my aunt and grandparents still live there. I have never found it to be anything other than a place my family live and as a good point from which to head to other parts of London to have a good time. Well...not anymore, Peckham just notched it up a gear, big style.

Fi and I had a day out and about, started in Borough Market, where I discovered Monmouth Coffee. We had a wee picnic in a local park. Then walked over Tower Bridge and saw the poppys laid for WW1 commemoration. We hoped a tube to Hyde Park Corner and got some Boris bikes.

All that and still back to Nan's in time for dinner. Post dinner, Ross suggested a wee drink. Then he remembered this new place had opened called Franks Bar. On top of the multi storey, behind Peckham Cinema. Not a place we would normally be off to. The stairwell up smelt of urine, but the posters and hipsters that led the way were was awesome! So awesome! Views you wouldn't believe and an awesome sunset. Not only that, it was rammed and across the roof line we could see the rooftop cinema club, also with a bar.

Then, on the way home there was a third bar, which led us astray, Quarters. A Bar full of 80s and 90s arcade machines, with awesome, local beer, and drinks holders on the machines. £1 at the bar gave you 4x American Quarters to play the machines! Fantastic, wrecked and a fab night Peckham!

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