From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The calm after the storm / A lazy day in Ayr

This was supposed to be my photo today after seeing the arrival of the circus in my back garden (sort of).

After my wild day yesterday, I went to my usual place of worship to be thankful for still being alive! The West Kirk for a couple of pints of Abbot Ale did the trick for me. I'm not a big praying person these days - unless you count when I'm saying 'Oh please God, don't let the bus have already gone' - but yesterday I did pray a fair bit. When I woke up this morning, it all felt like a mad dream. One thing is for sure; I actually have faith in my own physical strength again. In theory the fright was enough to kill me off yesterday but I am still here!

You know the strange thought that occurred to me yesterday? The captain of the tiny boat had the surname McCrindle. The funeral director I appointed from up the road for dad was also named McCrindle. That would be a fine family partnership! The boatman finishes off his clients taking them out to Ailsa Craig and then his brother (maybe) does well out of arranging the funerals! How grisly am I?! I sent the boatman an email yesterday evening thanking him for a marvellous trip and telling him I'd dried out now....

Today my arms and hands hurt from clinging on. It was a gorgeous day so I went up to town with mom calling into almost every shop along the way. Mom bought me a birthday jumper two months early - she likes to get things out of the way - and I took her to Pandora's for scampi and chips which was wonderful! My appetite was not impaired by yesterday's trip at all!

I bought two squirrels from the tourist information shop (don't ask) and then mom took the little fellows home and I went 'Yes' hunting. The Twa Dogs was still out of it so in the interests of political fairness I went to the Glen Park - home of the Ayr Brewing Company - and bought a bottle of 'Yes' and a bottle of 'No' requesting two glasses also to post this picture for you. The things you do in the interests of Blipfoto! You have to suffer for your art..

The verdict?

'Yes' was much nicer than I thought it would be. I expected it to be like the Ayr Brewing Company flagship ale Leezie Lundie but even at its 3.8% strength, it was light but full of flavour and life with an optimistic session beer feel to it.

'No' was my favourite! I'd had it before on draught at the Twa Dugs but after drinking pleasant 'Yes', the roasted flavour of 'No' was wonderful. It was more of a traditional British bitter. Vote 'No' for the safe and secure old thing. Vote 'Yes' for something fresh and different although you might not fancy it in the winter.

When it comes purely to which beer I preferred, 'No' has my vote. It's a superb full-bodied bitter which I would happily drink instead of Abbot.

As for the politics, I am sitting here wondering if I am walking into an independent Scotland when I return....

Track? I have done it so many times before but I love Alex Harvey! - Gambling Bar Room Blues

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