inside the tunnel

This is a rare glimpse inside my messy polytunnel in August. It did however just supply carrots, spinach and courgette, potatoes outside, to go with my Sunday roast chicken. As you can see we did not roast our own chicken as she is standing at the tunnel door begging for food, look large to see Molly.

You can also see growing parsley,cucumber, sweet corn and tomatoes. We have kilo's of cucumber ready so I plan to make cucumber pickle for the winter. There are of course lots of weeds too and this year there are also lots of pesky slugs.

A very wet day here today so I did inside jobs like sorting through clothes to take unwanted to charity, not my clothes as I never have anything fit for wearing after me, my daughters clothes. Large black bag waiting for charity shop along with 2 box's of baby books my son said he didn't want anymore.

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