A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Photo bomb on the beach

Actually I'm not sure it technically is as she asked permission. Like when people ask if they can steal something from you. But it sums up the happy mood on the beach and proves that I am alive and well so here it is. Joyously no new symptoms have appeared and the only remaining old one of the eye cyst continues to abate with lots more soaking and is no longer painful.

Lovely morning of reading, wave jumping and kayaking* on the beach and in the sea before barbecued Dorada for lunch. In my opinion the very best of the local fish and requires nothing more than some flames from a fire delivered by a man in a black t-shirt with Barbacoa on the back. I really am thinking of getting one for Carlos.

Home in time for siestas, more reading, water volleyball and pork chop night on the BBQ from the man with no t-shirt. It's all wrong. But it's ready now so off I go for more feasting. September may be declared a fasting month.

A most splendid Spanish Sunday,

Lesley x

* for my record, J and I had single kayaks which were harder work going out but so much more fun coming back in. And for my amusement and future abuse I shall record his two muppety actions - not wearing flip-flops on the hot sand walk to the kayak place and back, and going in the sea in his only t-shirt.

Later edit: this was the night we introduced the kids to Eddie Izzard in full (previously only the Death Star canteen for J). Joyously they both loved him and were happy to ignore all the swearing. A lot like their life I like to think.

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