
By cracker


My sister, Nik, her 8 week old baby, Julian, and I drove down to mum and dad's house today. We stopped in at our Nana's (mum's mum) house and chatted to her for a while. She is 92 and still lives alone. She does everything for herself, cooking, cleaning, emails on her Mac and paints pictures on canvasses. When we told her that mum was sick she made apple cakes for us to take to mum. I remember Nana's apple cakes from when I was a kid!

We went home and brought Nana with us as she doesn't drive. It was great to see mum. She is really skinny and pretty weak but is doing ok.

Nik took nana home and I cooked a roast pork for tea. Mum didn't eat her meat but she ate all her veggies. She hasn't been able to eat because the cancer is more than 5cm and it's affecting her oesophagus, stomach, pancreas and start of her intestine. It's too large to operate on so chemo or radiation is the only option but best case scenario there is to slow down the growth or perhaps shrink it a bit. It's all about minimizing pain from now on.

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