
By cracker

Super Jules!

Nik, dad, mum and I went to mum's local doctor today and had a chat about what was going on with mum. It was good to be able to ask any questions we had. Mum has started to go a bit yellow which means her bile duct from her liver is most likely getting blocked so the doctor did a blood test which we should get the results for tomorrow.

We had a really good chat with mum tonight. I don't think anyone had actually asked mum how she was feeling and what she would like to do yet. I think for me if we talked to mum about it, it meant it was real, and that's sad and scary. Mum doesn't say much normally and doesn't like to be the centre of attention and doesn't really get excited about anything, especially since her stroke a year ago.

We talked to her about if there was anything she wanted to do or anywhere she wanted to go before she got too sick to do anything. She said that she would have a think about it. We all just feel so helpless and would love to do anything that would make what ever time mum has left, better.

We said it would be good for all of us to get together soon and have like a Christmas. Also having some photos or video with her and the grand kids so they can remember her by.

We also talked about funerals and advanced care directives for when she is too sick to say what she wants. It was a full on conversation but needed to be talked about. It was good nik was there too.

I felt like a bit of a weight had been lifted from me afterwards. I think because we had finally talked to mum and asked her what she wanted and how she was feeling.

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