Chester Zoo

The girls and I spent four hours at Chester Zoo today, where my favourite was the Zebras. (I guess now is not the time to confess that I have eaten Zebra meat.)

Other highlights were this Rhino, carrying a passenger. I am not sure whether it was a white one or a black one. They all look grey to me.

This bird looked spectacular too. Sorry, it didn't have a label.

The day posed some technical problems. I was using a 70-200mm lens with a 2x extender and the light varied from bright sunshine at times outside and dim light in various pavilions. Photographing fish was especially tricky. This chap was clearly unimpressed.

The Lion was today's runner-up for Blipping and the Cheetah was also a contender. The Puma looked bored. Or hungry.

Olivia enjoyed the bat house most, particularly because Megan was frightened as they flew around us in the dark. The day's best dialogue was as follows:

"What if one of them bites me?"

"They are fruit bats - dur!"

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