
Megan, Oli and I went into Manchester today. Our first intended activity was a ride on the big wheel in Piccadilly Gardens. We They were disappointed that it was closed "until further notice." No explanation was offered. Perhaps someone was worried it was a bit windy.

We then walked through the City, where they liked the "big buildings" - notably the Royal Exchange. At the Museum of Science and Industry, they listened with interest to my explanation of the cotton manufacturing process. But they particularly liked the hands-on experimentation area. The great pity of that was that so many of the experimental exhibits were being hogged by adults, whilst children politely waited.

We then caught a tram to Salford Quays to visit the exhibition at the Lowry on the Past, Present and Future of Children's TV. They posed patiently in what I believe is something or other on Ceeebies

But this Blip shows the two of them joining-in with one of the exhibits in an adjacent exhibition at the Lowry - about dance on film. They are shown here striking poses to a film by Rashaad Newsome. The film was either Untitled 2008 or Untitled (New Way) 2009. A footnote of complaint: why do artists, who have gone to an awful lot of trouble making their work, so often lose creative energy when it comes to finding a title?

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