
4years 294days

... Yes I have got the whole of your chocolate in my mouth, mama.

We had a trip out today. We trekked off to ikea, Katie happily snuggled in her rear facing seat. We remembered today how wonderful it is for her sleeping. However we also discovered how not fabulous the big seat is for travel sick preschoolers. Thankfully, it happened as we arrived at Ikea. And was quite epic. She came round very quickly and thought it quite the adventure to wear my cardigan as a dress to go to Next and buy some new clothes.

We eventually made our way back to Ikea. She loves it there, today no exception. We chose a new table for her to go in my sewing room (for the sewing machine she is desperate for as her birthday present. We went for lunch, she had a long play. She then had a play in the children's market section. She had remembered a chair she likes to hide in & spin on (very gently, mummy was still mindful of the vomit) and she remembered that pretty much every time we go to ikea she sits in the sheepskin rugs. She managed an ice cream (and kept it there for the rest of the day).

We then drive to the Castleford outlet where we had a couple of shops to visit before we went to get coffee. Katie at that point claimed the cream, sprinkles and chocolate that came with the drinks before having a crazy charge round the play area.

She fell asleep about 2 miles from home. I knew it would not be good. It was 830 before she went to sleep

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