Blurry super moon

Last minute photo just before going to bed and then I didn't get it right! Monday's moon is sharp but lacks the atmosphere of the clouds. Well can't win them all I guess.

A very stormy day, wet in the morning and very windy in the evening - we're told it was the aftermath of Hurricane Bertha.

I spent much of the day going through almost 2000 photos that were taken at last years Penistone Show. I have some sympathy with the show committees inability to find what they needed for this years publicity but suspect there were problems re communication on both sides. J and I have decided we need a different system for next years event so hopefully it will result in a better outcome for all concerned. I was beginning to wonder why I was putting so much energy into taking photos at the show if no one was going to be able to find them afterwards!

Penistone Show 2013 on my Flickr page

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