Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Birthday Silliness

It's the flatmate's birthday in a couple of days so she had a birthday get together. Lots of people had lots of fun. It was a geeky board game night so I sat and drank wine and mildly mocked their geekiness, died a little inside when they all ordered take away but hey, I really enjoyed my baked potato with bean casserole (because cheese and baked beans are out).

Ended up leaving around one, had to walk in the freezing cold to try and get a taxi. Thankfully The Boy was on an overnight shift so by the time we'd reached town and had no luck, I got some shelter and defrosted my ears/fingers (but not my toes because my boots rock) whilst waiting for things to quieten down.

This photo is my (old) flatmate in a silly hat that she was given for her birthday. I also quite liked this self portrait and this shot of another friend in another silly hat.

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