
By SLPlearning

Who am I?

This statue is located outside Edinburgh City Council's Headquarters and was created by artist, Stephan Balkenhol from Hessen, Germany. The statue is said to represent 'Joe Public' and cost about £100,000 when it was commissioned in 2007.

But who is Joe Public? And why do we use a generic name to denote a hypothetical member of society? In the United States the term used is a John Q. Public (although there are a few variations on this one).

Can't say I've noticed many men who look like this in and around Edinburgh though and can't say that anyone I've ever met is exactly like any other, maybe with the exception of twins. I think it just goes to show we're all individuals and can't be popped in a box with everyone else. I don't don't believe there is such a thing as Joe Public in real life. I'm sure some others will disagree!

“Let others determine your worth and you're already lost, because no one wants people worth more than themselves.”
― Peter V. Brett​​

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