at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The squash survived

and Ivy was very pleased about it- she as patting it reassuringly and pointing it out to Euan. Peas also held up to the storm- we harvested big handfuls.

Ivy was in a very domestic mood this morning- she did a spot of hoovering and helped to sort out washing. She mostly got the hang of picking out colours from the whites- by holding an item up for questioning and if I said 'no' putting it back. Her new word this morning was 'bannana' (nana) I guess it was inevitable really.

Ruth the music teacher came round in the afternoon- Ivy was amazingly pleased to see her- she showed herself up to her best- AND went for a nap very easily- she took 3 naps today, in her cotm by herself without any hassle. It's funny that just 2 days ago I was blipping about how bad she was getting at napping- just goes to show ho quickly babies change their habits.

Ivy was a bit more grumpy when she woke up, but cheered up when she took her 'words' book to ruth for reading. Ivy was copying my exagerated style of saying 'fissssssssssssssssssshhhhh' by blowing a rasberry, so now a reading of her book goes: Fish 'thssssssssssss' , Truck 'VU VVU!' (vroom vroom), Dog 'Uf UF' (woof woof), Cat 'mmmmmmmmmmmeeeio'.

Ruth stayed for dinner, we put our garden peas into fajitas and Euan turned our amazing tomatoes into salsa. Ivy ate loads- she's a huge fan of wraps, and I quite like making her teeny tiny Ivy wraps.

This evening, I've been making a toile for sewing Euan a custom fit waistcoat- because the skinny maliky can't get off the peg ones to fit, and no man is handsomer than when in a waistcoat (fact)

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