
By BananaInPyjamas


Hannah came around my house today! :)
We were all so sleepy, but eventually pulled ourselves off the sofa to have a walk out the back! It was very fun, although Surraya and I wore flipflops, which is not practical footwear if you're going to walk in long grass. After many scratches and nettle stings, I managed to find the 'secret' path to the river! It was raining but we decided to play pooh sticks anyway! We walked back to the start with a plan to feed the ducks. But only 4 come in the end!

After lunch, Hannah and I made gluten free doughnuts, from my doughnut maker (Surayya went in town with her dad)! But we got a little crazy and ended up playing doughtnut rounders (hitting the doughnuts a spatula!) and doing doughnut adverts!

We then had a crazy water fight (inside!! (Surayya came back by this point!)). We cleared up inside and moved the water fight to outside, using some water balloons that we never used at Rora! It was very crazy and cold (we were so cold, that the cold water from the outside tap felt warm!). One of the games we played was that we had to catch the balloon and if it popped, we would have cold water dunked over us! we were all shivering by this point!

Went to the prayer meeting this evening and took Hannah and Surayya with us. I was so cold, I was shivering though the meeting!
Exciting thing is that I prayed in the prayer meeting!! :)

Overall very fun, if cold day! :)

Surayya while being dunked by cold water: "Its so wet! Its so wet!"

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