
By BananaInPyjamas

Went to Cosmo today for lunch (almost half the price of the dinner rate!)! It was very yummy! :) I ate a lot of food! :)
Afterwards we all walked to Forbury Gardens, but it started to rain. So we had to run to the shelter in the middle! It was very fun. We all took lots of photos (like this one)! :)

Afterwards Sarah, Sam, Ryan, Surayya and I walked to church. We talked there for a bit and then started to walk to Thames Valley Park where we were going to have a BBQ with Sophia and some chinese students. But the rain poured down, so we walked back to 153. Because of the bad weather, the BBQ was inside the church. So we had hot dogs and watermelon! Yummy!
The chinese students were around 10-12 years old! I was expecting Uni students!

We played wink murder before the food. After the food we played dodgeball and then benchball!

Very good day! :)

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