I'm going to nursery

Was a rushed morning
Munchie woke around 6am, daddy went to her but instead if coming into our room as they always do, they headed downstairs. The first time I was aware of dropping back to sleep was when lee came upstairs and tucked my feet back into bed at 6:45..... Hastily expressing / dressing / washing / packing I managed to get Charlotte to nursery for 8:10 - still making breakfast.

Captured this as she ran to the car shouting Indy I'm going to play with Indy (India is her best nursery friend).

Quiet day - took Katie's mum to M&S to get supplies whilst Katie battled with insurance companies. Saw lovely health visitor who was delighted with how Wom is doing. He's bang on the 50th percentile line and now weighs 14, 7 1/2 (is this heavier than Amelia, Babydays?)

Afternoon was spent watching twaddle on the tv whilst Wom played on his mat. Discovered if I offer to paint charlottes nails with polish, she will let me trim them first. Result!

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