Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Back to the Chalk Face

Sighs of mum-relief all round Edinburgh.

A beautiful morning for all those Back to School photos. No 3 was very excited to be heading back to see her school friends. She's in a composite class again this year, which really suits her.

No 2 is heading in to S4, she will be sitting her Standard Grades this year - I really hope she doesn't get too stressed. She been a wee cracker over the holidays, great fun, smiley, and helped out with No 3 a lot.

No 1 is heading into her final year at High School (there will be tears ! And that's just from me!) - she is sitting Advanced Highers in Physics and Graph Comm, resitting her Maths Higher to to try to bump her grade up, and this years she is taking Higher Art. We also received an email from the school to say the trip to Kenya has been rescheduled for early October. Next summer will be Prom and the S6 holiday to Shagaluf Magaluf or Zante! (I don't think I should watch the Inbetweeners!). It will be a busy year!

It's really exciting to see the girls starting a new academic year.

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