"Don't ask me...

what you know is true.
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart."

Weird night. Hormones are rubbish. They make me cry, when the first 5 notes of a James Blunt song plays, as it reminds me of a sad time a few years ago. Then they make me get all misty eyed about my youth, prompted by watching Michael Hutchence dancing around in a music video that I remember drooling over in my long distant past. He was gorgeous! In fact, I confess, I was drooling over him again tonight....20 years on!

Glad I saw the video thought. Reminded me of the song we have chosen for first dance, because it was our first (and only) dance together. You'll know what it is from the title and lyrics. Then caused a slight panic of course when my brain said "8 weeks, 2 days" and then it said "you've still got shed-loads of stuff to organise" and then it said "ach, never mind, stuff yourself with crisps and ice cream - it will all be OK!" At the end of the day, the important bit is the ceremony. If everything else is chaotic and goes slightly pear shaped, I don't think either of us will be bothered, and if we are, there's always champagne to numb the senses!

I did go and take a light trail photo, and then a random "make your eyes go squiffy" shot with my camera on long exposure on the dashboard of my car whilst driving..they're here. But Michael takes precedence when I'm feeling sentimental.

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