Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

fight on the runway................

A busy day again and tonight I am exhausted, so am going to do my blip and go to bed!! My colleague and I cleared out the office today - we have so many boxes of training materials and they have not been sorted out for a long time so we took up the challenge and it literally took us all day. Now everything is neatly sorted in boxes and labelled! We had a lot of kids come to watch us as we took the boxes outside to sort!!

We had a lot of excitement today as the vendors who sell all sorts of wares in the town have been taken off the streets and put into a fixed market which is not very accessible! This happened a few years ago and then people came back on the streets so we will wait and see what will happen.

Leaving my colleague home this afternoon we passed the airstrip which runs parallel to the road and the end of the runway is literally below my home! Good job no planes were landing this afternoon as there was a fight on the runway!!

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