'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly


We spent a while in town this afternoon trying to find some trainers for Nick, we succeeded - go us!

On our way back we went past the fire engine outside of the Marlowe theatre, no idea why it was there.

Tried two bakeries to see if they had any gypsy tart. Neither did.

Went to Canterbury West quickly to get some train tickets for tomorrow.

Got back a short while before it pissed it down. Played with the dogs. Made a cup of tea. Played on Professor Layton for a bit.

It's Nick's birthday tomorrow, we're off to London Zoo. I'm excited about the atlas moth and he's excited about the Komodo dragon.

I may actually have an entry tomorrow with a photo taken on my camera!

I'll try not to use my Parseltongue abilities to free any snakes though, I don't want us getting kicked out. I have been given permission for us to visit Platform 9 3/4 though while we pass through Kings Cross.

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