La Manche

I don't think I have ever had such an upsetting or traumatic start to a holiday. My mum has lost her passport. And they take at least a week to replace a lost passport. So, despite turning their house inside out over the last 24 hours, my mum and dad have to stay at home. It's just horrible and I am not going to talk about it again because it makes me want to cry and will make my mum and dad cry. I still can't quite believe it though.

So, I am on a Big Adventure for the next two days driving to our Brittany home with three children where we will meet my sister on Saturday. And oh, dear god the ferry was awful!! It was a three hour trip, for the middle two hours everyone was silent except for crying children and people being sick. Will was sick twice much to his disgust but on the bright side I can report that sick bags really do the trick!

Then we had an adventurous drive to our hotel, Will made a wonderful co-pilot checking our blue dot was still on the blue line on my phone, we managed to stray a couple of times only because the roundabout exits are really quite un obvious. Daisy and Esja are very excited to have their own hotel room, we have had a good dinner and are now frankly exhausted.

Tomorrow will be better. (Do I sound like Scarlett Ohara?)

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