Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Misty morning...

This is the last post in my 'nifty fifty' week, where I've forced myself to keep my new 50mm lens on the camera no matter what. I have to say it's been interesting, and having to zoom with my feet has definitely made me think a bit more about my shots.

I tried to follow similar rules to yesterday, but this photo of early morning mist looked so much better in monotone that I let myself away with it.

My first instinct when I take photos like these is to get straight onto the levels, bring back the shadows, bump up the contrast, don't lose the amazing shapes in those branches. I had to hold myself back today, tell myself no, it was misty, this is what it looked like!

I promise the park doesn't always look so grim, I'm sure I'll be blipping lots of colourful shots from here when the weather gets better :)

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