She's Here!!

Well.. My lady, Tina, has finally joined me here. She arrived yesterday and today we went to pick up her stuff from the delivery depot. Too heavy and too much to fit in a taxi, we had some guys at the depot offer to find us a 'van'. Within minutes, this chap arrived to take her stuff (and us). It was a harrowing ride. It was bloody freezing and dodging traffic was just a tad short of horrifying. However we made it. Along the way I decided I knew what my blip for today would be. I paid him an extra buck to wait downstairs so I could go get the camera. Then he carried the heavy load up to our (4th) floor. It was 2 km from the depot to our place.

The up side of all of this.. My lady (and for anyone who follows my journal, blipchooser) is here.. No more dinners alone. The downside.. There is 'girl stuff' all over the place. AND.. she didn't allow me to blip the pic where the angle made her look a little strange.. hehehe

It's been a long time since I lived with anyone. WISH US LUCK.

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