150 Portraits in 3 Hours

My last day in Hangzhou and I spent my time walking along the shore of West Lake. I was again amazed by the sheer number of people who were out and about walking. The first few days in Hangzhou everyone was inside celebrating Chinese New Year so I virtually had the place to myself.. After that.. CHAOS. But.. people were all happy.. It's a wonderful time fo the year in China. Because people were everywhere, I decided to make a project of them and take at least 100 portraits and make a collage for my blip today.

Chinese older people fascinate me. The lives they must have lived, the stories they would have.. So I chose to take pics of old people. They all seemed to enjoy having their pic taken. In all I took 147 in less than 3 hours and these are the top 100. It's not usually my thing to ask people for pics but I enjoyed it. Some of the individual portraits were very very good as well.. I'll put these 100 on my Facebook page.

This collage took about an hour and 10 minutes to do.

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