Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

another mousebird...........

Decided to have a lie in this morning which is unusual for me! However, my dreams were shattered when there was a loud battering on the door early in the morning! When I opened the door there was a wood carver from Zomba where I used to live - he was in the area and just wanted to greet me!!! So much for the lie in!

Unfortunately I forgot about taking a picture of him as he had his wares all laid out on my khonde like a shop! I bought a few things from him and then he gave me some gifts as a remembrance of old days in Zomba!!!

When I came inside I noticed a couple of mousebirds on the bush outside the kitchen window. Rushed to get the camera and took this through the window! If I had opened the door or window they would have flown off!

Had lots of children at home today - was a fun afternoon!

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