Year 2, Day 208 - Home, Sweet Home

No, the photo is not Home, Sweet Home! This is where I walked Aonghus every morning - a lovely stretch of beach between two of the barriers.

We got the 11.15 ferry from St Maragaret's Hope - and for those of you who haven't been to Orkney, it is only a one hour crossing - but 10 minutes into the journey, the boat was getting tossed around! Well, that's what it felt like anyway! It was a rather rough crossing and I was about greeting!!!! This is what I dread about being on a boat. I have never been seasick but I hate the motion. I'm not one for roller coasters or any other fairground rides so it was traumatic for me!!!! I just don't like not being in control!!!

Anyway, we made it to the other side and started the long drive home. Dale and I stopped at Feshiebridge to walk Aonghus - a walk I found when we were in Aviemore a few weeks ago - then toddled off home. It's always nice to come home after being away!

Oh, and I should tell you that we managed not to kill each other on this family holiday!!!!

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