Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Ridgetop Trees

Today is my dad's birthday - or would have been if he were still alive. He would have been 89 this year. But Dad died almost 15 years ago of lung cancer. Some of my sweetest memories of my dad were right after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He knew his time was short. He shared so much about himself then - not just about what he did - but who he really was. He shared memories about his childhood, about World War II and his time in the military, about my mom and our family, friends and even about our pets. Most of them I had never hear before. I am so thankful for that time. Happy Birthday, Dad! I miss you!

I will be heading back to Denver on Tuesday. I decided to take the train instead of flying. The train ticket was about one third the cost of the airfare. And it will be nice to sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery. The train goes through a couple of canyons that are only accessible by train. So, I hope to get some nice photos.

Hope you have a great Sunday!

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