Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Reflections on Dreams

Recently, I have been thinking about the dreams that we all have. What prompted this introspection was a comment that I made to a friend. We were talking about dreams that we have had throughout our life, and I said, quite nonchalantly "Actually, I don't dream anymore. I really only have one dream and that is to be with my Lord in heaven when my time comes."

Now, before you call the authorities to take me away to a mental health hospital, let me explain. What I really meant is that I don't spend a great deal of time dreaming of what might happen or what I want to happen. I find when I dream of what I want to happen, I have a tendency to try to manipulate things and people to make that happen. In reality I have learned to appreciate what actually happens and how the Lord uses everything in my life for His purpose.

When I took this photo, I was thinking of all of the people who own these expensive boats - toys, really. Many dream of owning such a boat, spending vast amounts of energy dreaming, planning and then purchasing their dream. But boats are a great deal of work, just like motorhomes and other recreational vehicles are. We spend enormous amounts of money topurchase and maintain our toys, including our sacred cameras, lenses and equipment. O.K. - I will back off that subject since I know that I am stepping on sensitive toes.

And yet, I was also thinking of how many times I pass these docks and see the same boats in them. Do the owners really get out on them frequently and enjoy the lake? Or was their dream a passing fancy?

As many of you know J and I own a motorhome. We do use our motorhome frequently, and we have lived in it for extended periods of time. But then there are times when we don't use it. And before each time we take it out, we have to go through extensive processes to make sure that it is in top condition. This involves a lot of work and sometimes a bit of money. Is it worth it? Sometimes, I think it is and others not so much. Actually, one of the big benefits is that our pups love to go with us, and it is much more intimate for family and friend gatherings.

Ah, well, we are all big kids anyway. We should enjoy our toys!

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