Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me

The Beauty in the Ugly

This is a photo of my baby cockatiel although it rather resembles a dinosaur with fluff. Sunny and Peanut, aka momma bird and daddy bird, hatched this egg a few weeks ago. It was qiute a trauma for me to have to throw out 2 clutches of eggs, 10 eggs in total, before one hatched. I had felt a sense of responsibility for their survival, like I could have done something to help. Not the same kind of responsibility as with my own children, of course, that is something very diifferent and deserves it's own photo journal entry. The reason I chose the baby bird picture is because as I was watching it wobble on it's toothpick legs and awkwardly spreading it's wings I realized that I had truly found beauty in this thing, so prehistoric, so ugly. It is possible to look past a fault or exceptionality in someone or something if you can open the door to your mind. Exclude no possibility from it's view and it will never betray you.

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