
By Jillybean


At track after school had to use Butlers keys to get into the shed...Theres a lot. This was the only picture i took all day. I completely forgot to take another. I remember taking this in case i didn't get anything better. And obviously I didn't. So i apologize for the sucky picture and will do my best to make up for it tomorrow.
Went to the boys basketball game at 4. They won, against Seaford. Which is a bit of a surprise cause a few weeks ago we lost to them...and then got beaten up by them...But no problems this time =]
Then a bunch of us went to G's for some pictionary and of course to Applebees later on.

But good news: Its my best friend stines hundreth blip day. and i'd be much obliged if you all went and congratulated her cause shes lovely. so heres the link CONGRATS STINE!!!!!! =]

Well happy weekendddd. =] hope it doesnt snow too much here...

"When no ones around to see her pain, she breaks down. They say she's so strong, but they've never seen her cry. She's got everyone fooled."

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